Personalisation in Client Services: How to Do It Right


Personalisation in client services is not just a nice-to-have but a necessity. Clients expect tailored experiences that cater to their specific needs and preferences. Personalisation can significantly enhance client satisfaction and loyalty, which will drive the success of your firm.

Here’s how to do it right:

1. Understand Your Clients’ Needs and Preferences

The first step in personalisation is to gain a deep understanding of your clients. This involves gathering detailed information about their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Key Actions:

  • Conduct regular feedback sessions, surveys, and one-on-one meetings to gather insights.
  • Analyse past interactions and case histories to understand their expectations.
  • Segment clients based on their industry, legal needs, and personal preferences.

2. Personalise Communication

Tailoring communication to the individual client can make a significant impact. Personalised communication shows clients that you understand and value their unique needs.

Key Actions:

  • Address clients by their preferred name and title in all communications.
  • Tailor the content of emails and reports to address specific client interests and concerns.
  • Use personalised follow-ups to check in on client satisfaction and address any issues promptly.

3. Offer Tailored Legal Solutions

Customising your legal services to fit the specific needs of each client can set your firm apart. This involves understanding the unique challenges and opportunities each client faces.

Key Actions:

  • Develop bespoke legal strategies that align with the client's business goals and legal requirements.
  • Offer flexible service packages that can be adjusted based on the client’s evolving needs.
  • Provide specialised advice and solutions that cater to the client's industry or sector.

4. Create a Client-Centric Culture

Cultivating a client-centric culture within your firm ensures that personalisation is a priority at every level. This involves training and motivating your staff to consistently deliver personalised service.

Key Actions:

  • Encourage staff to take a proactive approach in understanding and meeting client needs.
  • Provide regular training on the importance of personalisation and how to implement it effectively.
  • Recognise and reward employees who demonstrate exceptional client service and personalisation.

5. Implement Client Portals and Self-Service Tools

Client portals and self-service tools empower clients to access information and services at their convenience, offering greater control and enhancing the overall client experience.

Key Actions:

  • Set up secure client portals where clients can access documents, case updates, and communicate with their legal team.
  • Offer self-service tools that allow clients to schedule appointments, make payments, and track case progress.
  • Ensure that these tools are user-friendly and provide a seamless experience.

6. Measure and Improve Personalisation Efforts

Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of your personalisation efforts helps in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring continuous enhancement.

Key Actions:

  • Use client feedback and satisfaction surveys to measure the impact of your personalisation efforts.
  • Analyse performance metrics such as client retention rates, referral rates, and service usage patterns.
  • Continuously update and refine your personalisation strategies based on client feedback and data insights.


Personalisation when delivering client service is a powerful strategy that can significantly enhance client satisfaction and brand loyalty. By understanding your clients’ needs, leveraging technology and creating a client-centric culture, you can provide exceptional personalised service that sets your firm apart.

To see how Validient can help your firm provide the best experience for your clients visit our website.

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